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Local St.Petersburg rapper fathers Drakes son

When we reached out to Saint Petersburg local favorite rapper Yung Joe about the rumors going around of him fathering the son of rapper Drake we were told "it's true, I'm dat baby daddy now" - Yung Joe This news is exploding across the hiphop community. 37 year old Shawnana Lewis from Plant City had this to say "It's a damn shame you got all dis money and got a white rapper witcho kid named Yung Joe changing diapers and breastfeeding wit a fake tittie, I've seen it all! Dey need jesus!"

Here is the latest video where you can actually see Drakes son for a few seconds! Can you find Drakes son? The music video is named "Bihh I'm Da Plug" with Yung Joe feat. Hardwhite More info on Yung Joe below video. Share the video and download the song on all the music outlets!

ITunes link here LINK


Yung Joe is a solo music artist born and raised in Ashville North Carolina and later down in the year of 94 he moved to Saint Petersburg Fl. Joe attended Boca Ciega High School where he started getting the love for music and picked up on rapping but he wasn't really digging his own craft. He decided to expand his talent into another interest, which was the chopping and screwing of music for people selling it and people love his craft, he took a toll at internet radio for a short amount of time but didn't quite enjoy it. These were just hobbies that compensated for him to kill time, as time flew by with the support of fans he was able to work with a lot of local artist and got a lot of good influence on how to craft his music ability. Joe has taken a toll in all area's of music from rapping, to chopping and screwing, radio internet, and even use to be a manger and A&R for WNM Records. Joe's fan and customers notice that he possessed a gifts that has been waiting to come out, and he worked day and night to help build his craft and possibly one day fulfilling his dream of owning his own record company. Joe's goal is not to just be famous, but to be given the opportunity to show people what he loves to do and using his abilities to positively impact the lives of others. His songs tend to stray away from the common commercial fads, however, he does what he needs to do for the most part to accommodate the popular demands of the public. His delivery and punchlines put him in his own category when he finally got the craft and handle of what rapping really was. Musically he's very hard to categorize when it comes to music because his hip-hop and rap is hard to compare to others that appeals to all kinds of people. A big thanks to JJ HardWhite and Matt Anthony for being first one to put him on stage. He thanks God everyday for getting him where he is today, and will continue to do what he does best until he makes an impact on the world. Fan support is always appreciated because without them he knows he wouldn't be where he is today, but he also got to thank his momma as well for supporting him. Young Joe is looking to come to a city near you, just respect his handwork and you wont be disappointed.

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